To Scan or Not to Scan?

August 2, 2021

Each and every scanning project has its own challenges and opportunities—but how do you know when you should DIY and when you should call in help? Here are a few tips on how you know when to get a pro at Digitize Designs for backup—and how to do it.

1. You don’t have the right scanner

Because scanners have their pros and cons, it could be that that new project needs a different scanner than what you already use. If that’s the case, know that we have a full arsenal of options ready and waiting.

2. You don’t have time

Let’s get real: time is a valuable resource, and you can’t buy more. So if your project has been getting backburnered and needs to get off the “to do” list, or if you just want to have an additional set of hands that know what they are doing, just give us a call.

You know you need upgrades but don’t have them—yet

Just like any other technology out there, the 3D engineering world is constantly growing and changing. And while it may take months for you to push that purchase order through for the newest version of the software or an upgraded scanner, there’s a good chance we already have it on hand. Even more—we’re trained to use it, so we won’t have any “learning curve” to overcome to get the job done.

If you’re looking for a partner for your next project, reach out and let us know. From demos to full project execution, we can help you get your next big job off the ground. And as always, if you have any questions or would like a demo on any of the products mentioned, please visit our website or contact us with your questions.

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